Vintage gay men kissing

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The edges illustrated in the image can differ ever so slightly as these are handmade. Make sure you check our other available items - you will not be disappointed!Īdopt a memory! Treat yourself! Live a little!Īll items will be sent out safely packed and in a discreet manner. We have an utter respect for these beautiful images, and we know you do as well. We are proud of what we do, and we love the memories that each of our photos encapsulate. This image, as all the others we offer, is submitted to many hours of professional restoration so you are as close to the past as it can possibly be. Printed in 265gsm Professional Satin Oyster PaperĪt everything curated, Photographs are restored to the highest professional standard.

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The image itself measures 12.3 x 8.7 cm with a handmade antique cut style edge on a white border. I am pleased to offer you this Digitally Restored Vintage Photo Professional Print. A Tender Moment when Two Young Men Decide to Show their Love for Each OtherĪ Stolen Kiss and a Superb Memory Capture on this Wonderful Photograph

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